Sunday, February 15, 2015

Boone Trace, Getting Ready!!!

Getting Ready for the adventure.
Today is February but come March 15th I hope to be on the Boone Trace Motorized Trail.  Studied maps and Google earth to get familiar with trip. I will be riding my bike on the Boone Trace from Ewing Va. to Fort Boonesborough near Richmond KY. It is just under 200 miles. For me, that will be the most I have ever rode on a bike. I know there are some people who could do it in a day or two but I will be completing the route in 5 days. The idea came from a cousin I never met, Curtis Penix who is walking the entire route of the Boone Trace which is the 1st road into KY.

For more info on Curtis Penix and his plans to hike the trace go to:

For more info. go to: The trace is not an actual trail yet but there is a motorized version you can take and that is what I plan to do.